Read our Pain patient resources

Hello, and welcome to our resources section for people living with chronic pain.   We have developed various helpful resources, based on the latest research into the management of chronic pain to help you live the life you want to live, despite your pain.   We invite you to start your own journey. These resources and tools are designed to help you understand pain, take control, and set goals that matter to you. Your coach will be there to guide you, drawing from their experience with chronic pain management to help you find what works best for you. Ultimately, this is your journey, and you set the direction. 

All Pain Resources

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Hello, and welcome to our resources section for people living with chronic pain. We have developed various helpful resources, based on the latest research into

First of all, your pain is real. If you’ve ever been told that it’s “all in your head” or made to feel like it’s not

As we have seen, pain is our body’s protective mechanism, but it is influenced by many factors. There are times when we feel pain even

When we experience persistent pain, things become even more complicated. Our body’s alarm system becomes hyper-sensitive. Think of it like learning to ride a bike

Medications have often been used to help people with pain. There are various medications from over-the-counter such as paracetamol and ibuprofen, to very strong prescribed

When we have persistent pain, it can be devastating. We stop doing the things that trigger the pain, and that often means stopping doing the

When learning to live more with persistent pain, it is important to recognise that we cannot simply turn pain off and there is no quick

Your story is your own; nobody has the same story as you, and nobody has experienced the things you’ve experienced. You and only you know

“You have power over your mind, not outside events. Realise this, and you will find strength” – Marcus Aurelius “What do you want to

Our award-winning FCPs support PCNs and GP Federations all over England.

With PCN partnerships from Cornwall to Durham, Weston-Super-Mare to Southwold, our network of specialist physiotherapists operate face-to-face or remotely depending on your local needs.