First Contact Physiotherapy

Mobilisation and Integration into your Primary Care Network

How we deliver our FCP support?

We have been delivering FCP into GP practices since 2016 making us one of the longest serving FCP providers in the country. Our extensive experience means that we understand the need for ongoing support, innovation, and clear communication with the organisations we partner with. We implement this through common sense and effective ways:

Service Options

We can offer both face-to-face and remote services. Some PCNs have opted to use a combination of both, we are happy to flex our delivery to meet local needs. We have multiple case studies indicating where remote and face-to-face services might be best deployed depending on the needs of the PCN, the practices as well as geographic factors. We are always directed by our primary care partners and are pleased to share experiences which might inform how services can develop.

Face-to-Face Services Based in GP Practices or Community Hubs

Virtual/Remote FCP Support

FCP Mobilisation - Three Step ‘Light Touch’


We have simplified our FCP mobilisation and can provide a confident service within a matter of weeks (depending on the model the PCN is looking to implement).

Agreement to use Pure Physiotherapy to support your first contact practitioner service.

Week 1-2 - Agree Working Model

Week 2-3

Week 3-4

Week 4-5 - Finish

Completed mobilisation of a fully supported FCP service

Contact Us Today to learn more about how we integrate with your PCN


We utilise best practice, robust supervision and support to clinical staff, as well as the best available digital resource to support patients. Our team are fully trained and supported with a variety of primary care clinical systems:

Integration with NHS England

Pure Physiotherapy’s clinical director, Phin Robinson is one of NHS England’s sentinel trainers for supervisors of FCP roles. We also work directly with many ICBs and regions across the country on the development of first contact roles in Primary Care. Several of our senior leadership team sit on ICB panels for MSK and pathway redesign and we are passionate to see a collaborative approach delivered between primary and secondary care, reducing friction and improving patient experience.