Video: Are you getting the best from your FCP service?

Phin Robinson

This presentation was delivered to attendees at Best Practice London 2023.

In this video, Phin Robinson, Founder & Managing Director of Pure Physiotherapy, discusses the musculoskeletal (MSK) challenges encountered in primary care and how they can be addressed. He highlights the role of First Contact Physiotherapy (FCP) and what the primary focus should be in improving patient outcomes. Phin explains the structure and development of Pure Physiotherapy’s FCP service, including the importance of clear monthly reporting, setting a roadmap for success, and achieving positive clinical outcomes. Additionally, he touches on the educational support provided to ensure ongoing professional development for FCPs.

Phin Robinson qualified as a physiotherapist in 2001 and launched Pure Physiotherapy in 2006. He now helps to lead hundreds of First Contact Physiotherapists working nationally. Phin has close links with Health Education England and also works as an ambassador for the FCP and ARRS roles. He also is a national Sentinel trainer for Health Education in England, providing training for clinicians to become road map supervisors in primary care. Phin lectures at several universities across the UK and has a genuine passion for positive change in primary care and the improvement of musculoskeletal and pain support.

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