Mechanical back pain originates from internal structures, including the spine, its connecting joints, and surrounding soft tissues. It is the most common type of back pain, affecting about 8 in 10 people at least once in their lifetime (1). Although distressing and disabling, it is rarely dangerous and usually self-limiting, meaning it will resolve without treatment. In most cases, there is no clear underlying cause for the pain. This is often referred to as “non-specific,” as it cannot be attributed to a specific structure, pathology, or disease (5). The spine itself is strong and resilient, not easily damaged. It is widely accepted that a sprain or strain of a ligament or muscle, and/or minor issues with the discs or facet joints between vertebrae, may cause mechanical back pain (2). Most people recover from mechanical back pain quickly, with some not needing any treatment at all. Mechanical back pain usually presents as a sudden-onset (acute) and may be present for up to 6 weeks. In some cases, persistent (chronic) pain may develop (2,5).
A small percentage of back pain can be associated with serious pathology and therefore it is important to monitor for:
We recommend consulting a musculoskeletal physiotherapist to ensure exercises are best suited to your recovery. If you are carrying out an exercise regime without consulting a healthcare professional, you do so at your own risk.
This is not an exhaustive list. These factors could increase the likelihood of someone developing mechanical back pain. It does not mean everyone with these risk factors will develop symptoms.
Back pain is extremely common. 60% – 80% of people in the UK report back pain at some time in their lives. Chronic (long term) low back pain affects up to 23% of the population worldwide. It is estimated that 24% to 80% of patients with mechanical back pain will have a recurrence after one year (1,2).
Musculoskeletal physiotherapists and other appropriately qualified healthcare professionals can provide you with a diagnosis by obtaining a detailed history of your symptoms. A series of physical tests might be performed as part of your assessment to rule out other potentially involved structures and gain a greater understanding of your physical abilities to help facilitate an accurate working diagnosis.
Your treating clinician will want to know how your condition affects you day-to-day so that treatment can be tailored to your needs and personalised goals can be established. Intermittent reassessment will ascertain if you are making progress towards your goals and will allow appropriate adjustments to your treatment to be made. Imaging studies like an MRI or ultrasound scan are usually not required, unless more sinister pathology is suspected. There are occasions where further investigations may be appropriate and your physiotherapist can provide you with an effective explanation of how this can help your recovery and rehabilitation.
As mentioned, many cases of mechanical back pain will improve with exercise, movement and time. If concerned, it is recommended to have a thorough assessment by an experienced physiotherapist who can advise you on the self-management techniques that may be best suited to you. Your physiotherapist can provide you with an effective explanation as to why you are presenting with your symptoms, and give you knowledge and confidence to effectively manage your symptoms to support your recovery (1).
In general, keeping active is very important rather than resting. Try to keep up with your normal daily activities as best you can; working with some pain and discomfort is completely safe and you will not do any further damage. Just make sure to pace your activities and not do too much at once as this may aggravate your symptoms (1). It is important to understand that resting for prolonged periods of time with back pain can make the pain worse as the spine gets stiffer and weaker.
It is important that you try and complete the exercises you are provided as regularly as possible to help with your recovery. Rehabilitation exercises are not always a quick fix, but if done consistently over weeks and months then they will, in most cases, make a significant difference.
Various exercise types all have a positive impact on symptoms, therefore finding activities that you enjoy is a good place to start. Specific, individualised rehabilitation provided by your physiotherapist may include activities to increase your range of movement, strength and function to return to sports, playing with children, or any other activities you love.
Below are three rehabilitation programmes created by our specialist physiotherapists targeted at addressing mechanical back pain. In some instances, a one-to-one assessment is appropriate to individually tailor targeted rehabilitation. However, these programmes provide an excellent starting point as well as clearly highlighting exercise progression.
Our team of expert musculoskeletal physiotherapist have created rehabilitation plans to enable people to manage their condition. If you have any questions or concerns about a condition, we recommend you book an consultation with one of our clinicians.
The pain scale or what some physios would call the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS), is a scale that is used to try and understand the level of pain that someone is in. The scale is intended as something that you would rate yourself on a scale of 0-10 with 0 = no pain, 10 = worst pain imaginable. You can learn more about what is pain and the pain scale here.
Initially, your physiotherapist may provide you with simple movement or stretching based exercises to ensure we can restore your movement before we move on to the next stage of rehabilitation. This should not exceed any more than 3/10 on your perceived pain scale.
The next stage may involve strengthening exercises to ensure your muscles, bones, tendons and other structures can tolerate load to meet the demands of your daily activities. This should not exceed any more than 3/10 on your perceived pain scale.
This stage involves further strengthening activities to allow your muscles to tolerate the load for you to return to activities with ease. This should not exceed any more than 3/10 on your perceived pain scale.
As it is important to keep active with mechanical back pain, it is likely your clinician will advise paced return to sporting activity and daily normal life as soon as you are able. It is important, based on the pain you are experiencing, that you gradually return to sport/normal life by slowly increasing the length of time you exercise for, or the intensity, as the mobility and strength of your back improves with the treatment exercises you are undertaking.
Alongside appropriate exercises, sometimes back pain treatment can involve acupuncture and other soft tissue therapies. In a small proportion of patients, based on symptoms arising from neurological assessment, they may be referred on for spinal surgical opinion and sometimes then surgery after this.
Chartered Society of Physiotherapy – “Back Pain MythBusters”
10 things you need to know about your back | The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (
Back pain – Treatment – NHS (
Mechanical-low-back-pain-00627-v5.pdf (
An injury due to a stress fracture through part of a vertebra known as the pars interarticularis of the lumbar vertebrae (lower back).
A term to describe a slight change in position (usually further forward) of one vertebra relative to the vertebrae below.
Pain originating from the sacroiliac joint at the base of your back where the spine joins the pelvis.
Narrowing of the spaces though which lower back spinal nerves travel which can result in weakness, pain and reduced function.
Lumbar discs sit between each of the bones of the spine. Problems can occur when these discs become irritated.
Sciatica is a symptom describing pain and/or pins and needles down the back of the leg.
A condition affecting the tendons that insert into outside of the hip. A common cause of pain felt around the hip and pelvis.
A condition that results in pain in the groin, hip and down the front of the thigh.
This is where the nerve that supplies the front of the leg is irritated and causes pain/numbess.
A presentation where the sciatic nerve is irritated in the buttock and can cause sciatica symptoms in the leg.
Coccydynia is the medical term used to describe pain in your coccyx (tail bone).
A rare but serious condition as a result of compression of the nerves at the base of your spine.
Common age related changes to the structure of the knee joint which may be associated with pain, stiffness and loss of function.
A rare condition that can cause joint stiffness and pain, often worse at night and when resting.