What does data tell us about what we should expect from a First Contact Physiotherapy service in Primary Care?

The Growing Role of First Contact Physiotherapy in Primary Care Since their widespread introduction in 2019, First Contact Physiotherapy (FCP) services have become an integral part of many primary care teams across England. NHS England reports that up to 30% of primary care workload involves musculoskeletal (MSK) complaints, and experienced MSK physiotherapists are well-positioned to […]

What Should Practices and PCNs Expect from a First Contact Physiotherapy Service?

The Role of First Contact Physiotherapists (FCPs) in Primary Care Practices and Primary Care Networks (PCNs) should expect a First Contact Physiotherapist (FCP) or physiotherapy service to provide expert musculoskeletal clinicians. If the service is supported and commissioned by a practice or PCN, the clinicians should receive full clinical, administrative, and developmental support from the […]

What is a First Contact Physiotherapist?

An FCP conducting manual therapy on a patient with shoulder pain.

First Contact Physiotherapists: A Guide to Their Role in Primary Care In the evolving landscape of primary care, First Contact Physiotherapists (FCPs) play a crucial role in addressing the growing demand for musculoskeletal care within GP practices across England. These expert clinicians provide patients with rapid assessments, tailored advice, and personalised exercise plans right from […]

How can I help to embed the ARRS roles within my PCN and practices?

There are several key factors that you need to consider when embedding additional roles into your practice or Primary Care Network (PCN). Since the creation of primary care networks and the Additional Roles Reimbursement Scheme (ARRS) as part of the NHS Primary Care Long Term Plan in 2019, the question about how to maximise the […]

Pure Shortlisted for the 2025 HSJ Partnership Awards

Pure Physiotherapy are proud to be a finalist for HSJ Data Integration Project of the Year

Pure is thrilled to announce that, in partnership with North West Leicestershire Primary Care Network, we have been shortlisted for the prestigious HSJ Partnership Awards in the category of Data Integration Project of the Year.  This award celebrates exceptional commitment to enhancing healthcare and fostering effective collaboration with the NHS.  Now in its eighth year, […]

Is FCP worth it?

Following a chat with Tara Humphrey on THC’s The Business of Healthcare Podcast and discussions over recent months with PCN Clinical Directors, Practice Managers, and GP Partners around workforce planning, there appears to be a growing desire to assess the impact of the ARRS roles in practice. After all, how can you plan your primary […]

How does a First Contact Physio service help reduce pressure at a GP practice level?

The integration of expert musculoskeletal (MSK) physiotherapists in GP surgeries has significantly transformed primary care in recent years. This model aims to alleviate the pressure on general practitioners (GPs) by providing specialised care for MSK issues, which constitute a significant portion of primary care visits. By addressing these concerns effectively, first contact physiotherapy (FCP) services […]

Understanding the roles: First Contact Practitioner vs. traditional rehab physiotherapist

Understanding the difference between a First Contact Physiotherapist and a physiotherapist in a traditional rehabilitation pathway is essential to fully benefit from their distinct roles.    Specialist MSK First Contact Physiotherapy Practitioners The First Contact Practitioner role was introduced widely with the NHS Long Term Plan, published in 2019. The goal of First Contact Practitioners […]

Video: Are you getting the best from your FCP service?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sUzPyjLr06s This presentation was delivered to attendees at Best Practice London 2023. In this video, Phin Robinson, Founder & Managing Director of Pure Physiotherapy, discusses the musculoskeletal (MSK) challenges encountered in primary care and how they can be addressed. He highlights the role of First Contact Physiotherapy (FCP) and what the primary focus should be […]

An evaluation of FCP clinical effectiveness and costs

Integrating clinical research and NHS policy into Pure Unity Health’s FCP service delivery. In this blog we review the 2024 article published in the British Journal of General Practice, looking at the clinical effectiveness, health policy, and financial benefit of the First Contact Physiotherapy integration in primary care.   Walsh, N., et al. (2024). First Contact […]

3 Reasons Why FCP Services Fail

Having been invited to be part of the early First Contact Practitioner (FCP) trials back in 2016, we have learned a huge amount about the ‘dos and don’ts’ of running an effective FCP service. Pure Physiotherapy now supports numerous Primary Care Networks across the country, with a clinically focused team of hundreds of FCP physiotherapists. […]

FCP clinical governance

Student and physiotherapist having meeting about physiotherapy

Creating an efficient and effective First Contact Physiotherapy service for your Primary Care Network Phin Robinson is the Founder and Director of Pure Physiotherapy, who works with over 220 Primary Care Networks with a team of over 450 First Contact Practitioners. Phin is an Ambassador for Health Education England around the FCP roles, as well […]

How Does an FCP Model Work with PCNs?

What is ARRS? In order to support PCNs, The Additional Roles Reimbursement Scheme (ARRS) was introduced in England in 2019. This scheme provides funding for 26,000 additional roles to support recruitment for general practices. This scheme provides reimbursement for PCNs to develop their workforce capacity, and this is expected to increase to £891 million in […]