Health and Wellbeing Coaching and Social Prescribing

Health and Wellbeing Coaches and Social Prescribers work particularly well with people who:
- Have one or more long term conditions.
- Who need support with low-level mental health issues.
- Who have complex health and social needs affecting their wellbeing.
From our experience of delivering services in primary care, it has been a natural evolution to support our primary care partners with health and wellbeing coaching social prescribing service options. This personalised care approach provides more appropriate, cost-effective support and reduces reliance on other clinicians within the multi-disciplinary clinical team. Evidence shows that integration with local voluntary and statutory services results in long- lasting behavioural change, improved resilience and more independent living in this patient group.

Health and wellbeing coaching
HWCs support people to self-manage, to improve their motivation and facilitate lifestyle changes. They improve health related outcomes by working with people to set personalised goals and change their behaviours. They work with people with physical and, or mental health conditions and those at risk of developing them.
Social prescribers
Social prescribers connect people to community-based support, including activities and services that meet practical, social and emotional needs that affect their health and wellbeing. This includes connecting people to services for example housing, financial and welfare advice.