Resource 5: The Pain Cycle

When we have persistent pain, it can be devastating. We stop doing the things that trigger the pain, and that often means stopping doing the things we enjoy – our hobbies, our work, and spending time with friends. These things are crucial to our happiness and self-worth, so it’s common to become frustrated, anxious, or […]

Resource 4: Why Medications Aren’t Usually the Answer

Medications have often been used to help people with pain. There are various medications from over-the-counter such as paracetamol and ibuprofen, to very strong prescribed medications such as morphine and tramadol. You may have been given many of these medications in the past, or may be thinking that these are the answer to your pain.  […]

Resource 3: Persistent Pain and Our Overprotective System

When we experience persistent pain, things become even more complicated. Our body’s alarm system becomes hyper-sensitive. Think of it like learning to ride a bike or learning to play a sport: it starts out difficult to do, but the more you practice, the easier it becomes.   This is because our brain is forming new pathways, […]

Resource 2: Pain Doesn’t Equal Harm

Chalk writing: pain does not equal harm.

As we have seen, pain is our body’s protective mechanism, but it is influenced by many factors. There are times when we feel pain even though there’s no actual danger or damage. Because pain is processed in the brain and can be affected by many things, it’s not a reliable measure for tissue damage.   Similarly, […]

Resource 1: What is Pain?

Illustration featuring a woman with long dark hair wearing an orange shirt, standing with a thoughtful expression and a question mark above her head. She is positioned next to a green chalkboard with the words 'what is pain?' written in white cursive text. The scene suggests a reflective or educational context.

First of all, your pain is real. If you’ve ever been told that it’s “all in your head” or made to feel like it’s not significant, know that you’re not alone. Many people with ongoing pain have been dismissed or told that there’s nothing wrong with them, but we understand how real and devastating your […]