Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Treatment Plan

Aim to perform this programme a minimum of once per day unless prescribed otherwise. As with any new exercise, start slowly (repetitions as able) and build up as you are able within the guidelines below.

Pain should not exceed 4/10 whilst completing this exercise programme.

Perform this exercise up to 15 times, rest for 1 minute. Repeat routine 2 to 3 times.

1. Thumb opposition exercise

  • Start by touching your thumb to the tip of your index finger.
  • Then move on one finger at a time: middle, ring and little finger.
  • Do this back and forth to train the muscles in your hand and around your thumb.
Perform this exercise up to 15 times, Repeat routine 2 to 3 times.

2. Median nerve glide

  • Hold your arm out to the side so elbow and wrist as close to level with the shoulder as possible. Have the palm of the hand facing forward.
  • Pull the wrist backward so the backs of the fingers are trying to touch the back of the forearm.
  • With the head facing forward try to take the ear on the opposite side to the outstretched arm, down to the opposite shoulder whilst staying facing forward. Hold for 2-5 secs.
  • Stop at the point it produces symptoms and slowly return the head to upright and the hand to facing forward and repeat.
Perform this exercise up to 15 times, Repeat routine 2 to 3 times.

3. Neck rotations

  • With your head in neutral place turn your head as far as you can to one side.
  • Using one of your hands gently push your head further into rotation, only as far as you find comfortable.
  • Hold for 5 seconds and relax.

We recommend consulting a musculoskeletal physiotherapist to ensure exercises are best suited to your recovery. If you are carrying out an exercise regime without consulting a healthcare professional, you do so at your own risk. If you have any concerns whilst completing these exercises, please contact a healthcare professional.