FCP Case Study: Identifying Rheumatoid Arthritis in Primary Care

Presenting Problem In a remote First Contact Physiotherapy (FCP) consultation, the patient was a 42-year-old female who reported a history of bilateral knee pain and swelling lasting over a year, which had worsened over the past three months. She mentioned no obvious trauma or triggering mechanism and denied any changes in her activity or behaviour. […]
FCP Case Study: Shoulder Pain in an Elderly Patient

Presenting Problem Eleanor, 82-year-old female, living independently; reliant on wheeled walker indoors and out. Presenting with bilateral shoulder pain, left worse than the right going down the arm to the elbow. The pain started insidiously and seemed to be worsening over the last few weeks. Eleanor was concerned about how her shoulder symptoms were affecting […]
FCP Case Study: Distinguishing Radicular Pain from Hip Osteoarthritis in an Elderly Patient
History of Presenting Condition A 78-year-old male presents with left-sided lower back pain that radiates from the pelvis to the front of his thigh and just below the knee. This pain began two weeks ago while he was sailing. At the time, he used his left foot to operate a switch, but the movement combined […]
Enhancing Access to Primary Care Physiotherapy
Presented at Therapy Expo 27-28 November 2024. Background 20% of all GP visits related to MSK pathologies. Within specific PCNs, almost half (58%) of patients referred to the First Contact Physiotherapist had initially been examined by the GP and Non-GP Colleagues. Causing duplication of work – which may contribute to General Practice capacity Issues, and […]
FCP Case Study: Thoracic Spine Pain in 19YOM
Presenting Problem 19-year-old male presenting with a 1-month history of right-sided thoracolumbar pain. No trauma or MOI. Aggravated by prolonged sitting or bending and eased with stretches/movement and naproxen. At this time, the patient presented with no other red flags or neurological symptoms. Due to the mechanical nature of the pain, a home exercise programme […]
Maximising the benefits of First Contact Physiotherapy in Primary Care
The Brief: Deploy First Contact Physiotherapists in Primary Care In mid-2022 the organisation I head up (Pure Physiotherapy) was approached by a primary care network (PCN) in England with a population of 56,000 patients across 5 GP practices, with a significant geographical spread. This meant that a physical hub model was not appropriate. In addition […]